Submission Guidelines
Submissions to ACII 2021 should not have substantial overlap with any other paper already submitted or published, or to be submitted during the ACII 2021 review period. All persons who have made any substantial contribution to the work should be listed as authors, and all listed authors should have made some substantial contribution to the work. All authors should be aware of the paper being submitted to ACII 2021.
Proceedings will be published on IEEExplore. IEEE CS is a technical co-sponsor of ACII 2021. If a paper is accepted, it is assumed that an author will register and attend the conference to present the paper. The conference and IEEE reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
The reviewing process for ACII 2021 will be “double blind”, thus the submitted version of the paper should be appropriately anonymized not to reveal either the authors’ identities or institutions. Please see anonymization instructions here.
The submission process will be handled through the EasyChair System. Submissions may be up to 8 pages (7 pages + 1 page for references) in the conference paper format. Submissions must be in pdf format, are limited to a 10MB file size, and must be in final, publishable form by the submission deadline. Papers that use different formatting from the ACII 2021 Latex or Word templates, have more than 8 pages, or explicitly reveal identifying information about the authors will be automatically removed from the reviewing process.
Supplementary material (images, video, etc.) may optionally be submitted with papers, must be submitted as a single zip file, and be no larger than 100MB. Be sure to maintain anonymity, including the file properties or other hidden text. The supplemental materials will not be part of the conference proceedings, so they are only there to aid the reviewing process. Reviewers are not required to view the supplemental material (though most reviewers are likely to do so), so any information critical to understanding the work should be in the main paper.
ACII 2021 will be using the IEEE PDF eXpress for enforcing the requirements for papers to appear in IEEE Xplore. The final versions of all papers accepted for publication must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specifications.
Camera-ready Submission Instruction
Instructions for Authors
- Prepare your manuscripts as per the IEEE specification: LaTeX/Word Templates.
- Carefully proofread your submission.
- For the main conference (including Special Sessions) and Doctoral consortium submit to EasyChair. Please select the relevant category/track while submitting.
- For Demos submit please see instructions here.
Arxiv Policy
Reposting articles publicly online (e.g., website, arXiv): To maintain the double-blind review process, we are requesting authors refrain from posting their articles online until the notification date.
The submission instructions are adopted from FG 2017’s author instructions.
Author Registration
All accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. One of the authors must register for the conference (under any registration category) and must register before the deadline given for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program. A single registration may cover up to three papers.
For a list of all topics relevant to this conference please see the call for papers page.
Guides for Anonymizing Submissions
ACII 2021 follows a double-blind review process, requiring authors to prepare an anonymized submission.
To prepare an anonymized submission, authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the cover page, the acknowledgements section, and the PDF meta-data. Institution information should also be removed from the body of the text. For instance, use “…participants were recruited from a university campus” instead of “…participants were recruited from .” Additionally, we recommend removing marks that identify institutional affiliation from images and supplementary videos (e.g., institutional attire, logos) as much as possible. However, pictures of robots used and study setup, in general, do not need to be anonymized, even if the robot uniquely identifies your group.
However, we ask that authors leave citations to their prior work un-anonymized in order to provide a more comprehensive review of prior work including the authors’ own research. Authors citing their own prior work should discuss it in the third person. For instance, use “Prior work by [6]…” instead of “Our prior work [6]…”
Checklist for anonymization procedure
Author checklist for anonymizing submissions:
- Remove author and institution information from the cover page as well as from acknowledgements section
- Clear meta-data in word processor or PDF viewer/editor
- Replace institution information in the body of the text with generic identifiers
- Use third person for citations to own work
- Remove marks for institutional affiliation from images and supplementary materials (as much as possible).
- Reposting articles publicly online (e.g., website, arXiv): To maintain the double-blind review process, we are requesting authors refrain from posting their articles online until the notification date.
Guidelines adapted from